Office Hours for New Users - Every Monday at 11 AM EST. Get hands-on help starting on the platform and uploading your first recording. Register now!

Upload a file

  1. Click "Add recording" button.
  2. Select a file you want to upload or drag and drop the file.

    Recommended file size is up to 2 GB.
    Supported formats: mp4, m4a, mp3, atf, aac, ac3, aiff, avi, flac, ogg, wma, wav, webex.

  3. upload transcription
  4. Select whether you want your file to be transcribed automatically by AI, to be transcribed by a human, or to attach an existing transcription from another vendor.
  5. automatic transcription
  6. Select what Language was spoken and numbers of speakers and click 'NEXT'.
  7. transcription language
  8. Select who will pay for transcribing of the recording.
  9. pay for transcription
  10. Coaching session is uploaded to your library. Proceed a link to open the recording.
  11. The file will be automatically transcribed after uploading. Track the progress when opening the uploaded file. We will send you an email notification when the transcription is ready.

Do you have trouble uploading a file? Contact us